CIS gives you unique advantage of automatically registers the applicable warranty for the product you purchased from CIS without the botheration of you visiting the registration site and filling in the required details. Online warranty registration gives you freedom of not bothering about keeping records of purchase or warranty card etc for hassle free warranty repairs.
Furthermore, as a welcome gesture, you get eligible for extended 6 months warranty. Extended warranty can be activated when you share some additional information related to your Casio product purchases by logging on as per applicable terms.
About Casio India
Casio India Co. Pvt. Ltd. (CIC) has been operating in India since 1996 and has established the distribution channel as well as the brand for most of its products. Casio Computer Co. Ltd, Japan, the parent company of CIC is engaged into manufacturing and marketing of various consumer products throughout the world. Casio India's range of products include sales and marketing of Handheld Calculators, Desktop Calculators, Scientific Calculators, Printing Calcul..... Show more..... Show more
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